Mind blowing facts that will make you google them.

We have Collected a List of Facts that are so crazy, that will make you google them to check whether they are true.

1. " LOL " was written to mean " Lots Of Love" in the letter before the days if Internet.

2. Babies tend to look more at attractive faces, and less at unattractive faces.

3. Pink Dolphin was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, USA.

4. Female Kangaroos have 3 vaginas.

5. Rolex watch company is run by a non profitable charity trust and they donate 90% of their income profits to them. Because the founder was an Orphan.

6. A cockroach can live for several weak without it's Head.

7. The first condom was made somewhere in 16th century.

8. The least Interesting Day in history was april 11, 1954.

9. Boyfriends do more work than Husbands.

10. Every ' c ' in Pacific Ocean is pronounced differently.

11. Incredible Hulk was originally supposed to be Gray.

12. Newborn babies don't cry tears.

13. Scientists found 1,500 new Bacteria species in Belly Buttons.

14. Pigs can't look up at the Sky.

15. Viagra can help plants sand up straighter and last longer.

16. George Washington never actually lived in Washington, D.C.

17. Rats and Horses can't Vomit.

18. The Longest time between two twins being born is 87 days.

19. Giraffes Tongues are nearly 2 feet long.

20. Dogs can smell cancer.

21. Your mouth produces about one liter of saliva a day.

22. Polar  Bears aren't White. Their skin is Black and Hairs in their Fur are Hollow and clear.

23. Every 2 minutes people take more photos than were taken in the entire 19th Century.

24. 1816 was known as " The Year without a Summer " due to Mount Tombora in Indonesia experienced the biggest Volcanic eruption in Human History.

25. Falling Coconuts kill more people than sharks, falling coconuts kill 150 people while shark killed 10.

26. Nauru is only country in world with no Capital.

27. About 175 Million year, a day on earth will be 25 hours long.

28. Pirates wore eye patches to increase night vision, not to cover a missing eye.

29. It is legal to escape from prison in Mexico, Germany and Austria. They see the desire to escape prison as basic human nature.

30. Adolf Hitler plotted to kill Winston Churchill with exploding Chocolate.

31. High-Heeled Shoes were originally designed for rich men.

32. May 29 is " Put a Pillow on you Fridge " Day, celebrated in USA and Europe.

33. Black Apple exist in Tibet.

34. Humans and Giraffes have the number of Neck Bones.
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