Top 3 Inspirational Story to Change your Mind.

Everyone gets a little down in Bad times. Rather than searching the internet useless things, Check out these Short Inspirational Story and unlock the power Mind.

Dogs Comfort Zone:

Once there was a dog sitting at the corner of the street. The dog use to cry whole day and night, so the people living near by tried to figure out the problem but nothing seemed wrong.

So people though to ask the Beggar who was sitting besides the dog. 

The people asked " Do you know why this dog is crying ? "

The beggar replied 
" The place where the dog is sitting has a NAIL, and the NAIL is stinging (hurting) the dog. "

People with confused faces asked 
" then Why don't the dog gets up and seats somewhere else ? "

Beggar said 
" Because the pain is not so much that the dog should leave the place. "

Moral of the Story : 

Sometime we are so addicted to our comfort zone that we never try new thing. It also teach us that Life punch's our Face but don't take any action unless and until Life kicks our balls.

2.Enterprenuer Mindset :

An Entrepreneur Company was not doing well, no matter who tell's him to stop the company he never listen to anyone.

His Relative came to visit him one day.
After taking for a while, the Relatives said
" Why don't you do a job, it will bring you money "

To which Entrepreneur asked them a Question :

" If we keep 20 Bananas and 20 Lakhs infront of a monkey, What will he pick ?"

To which the Relatives replied 
" The monkey will pick bananas. "

The Enterprenuer said 
" Like the Monkey will pick bananas, without thinking that money can buy him more bananas,

when we offer people Job or Business they will pick Job, without thinking that Business can bring them more Money. "

Moral of the Story:

People think doing job is the Best way to live Life but profits is better than then wages, for wages can make you a living but profit can bring you a Fortune.

Bill Gates and his Daughter :

Bill gates and his daughter went to a restaurant. After having launch Bill gates gave a $ 5 tip to the waiter.

Waiter was Surprised by the tip of just $ 5, Bill Gates saw the expression of shock on waiter face and asked 
" What happen you look Surprised ? "

Waiter said " On the same table your daughter give me a tip of $ 500 and you the Richest man in the world gave only $ 5, Why ? "

Bill Gates said 
" Yes, because she is the daughter of the richest man in  world, but I am Son of a Wood Cuter "

Moral of the Story :

Money is very important in our life. We never respect our parents money until we experience who difficult it is to earn money in Life. Remember 

" Money can't buy Happinesses,
But Poverty can't buy you Anything "

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  1. This is such a inspirational stories or ye stories mere dil ko chhu gyi
