We have created a list of Amazing facts that will surely blow your mind . Have a look and enjoy.
- There're only 2 day in our lifetime that aren't 24 Hours. The day we're born and the day we die.

- The Barcode scanner doesn't scan the black lines. But the Gaps in between them.
- Charlie Chaplin lost a Charlie Chaplin look a like contest.
- Cotton Candy was invented by a Dentist.
- No number before 1000 contains the letter ' A '
- The direst place on earth would be Antarctica's Dry Valleys. It hasn't rained there for over 2 million years.
- If you put a Giant mirror 10 light years away from Earth, and looked at it Through a Telescope, Theoretically we'd see 20 year into past.
- Octopuses lay 56,000 eggs at a time.
- Dogs can see sadness in Human and often attempt to make their owner happy by cuddling.
- The 100 fold in a chef's hat represent 100 ways to cook an egg.
- The Hashtage symbol is technically called an ' Octothrope '
- If human killed each other at the same rate we kill animals we'd be extinct in 17 days.
- There were active volcanoes on moon when Dinosaurs were Alive.
- Male Fruit Flies look for alcohol to consume after being rejected for sex

- An earthquake on Dec.16.1811 caused parts if the Mississippi River to flow Backward.

- Unicorns are real. They're just fat and call themselves Rhinos.

- The probability of you Drinking a glass of water that contains a molecule of water that also passed through a Dinosaur is almost 100%.

- If earth losses oxygen for 5 second, then every Building made of concrete would turn into Dust.

- A space suit weighs 127kg without an astronaut in it.

- " The World " is a Cruise Ship where you can live as a permanent resident and wake up in a different country every morning.

- Every second 2 people die around the globe.

- 20% of Earths Oxygen is produced by Amazon Forest.

- Over 200,000 people have already applied for a one way trip to Mars in 2022.

- You are as old as Universe because Mass is Neither created nor destroyed.

- There is approximately $36.8 Trillion worth of physical money around the world.

- Only female Mosquitoes drink blood male ones are vegetarian.

- Each time male Heart Beats, He makes 1500 new sperms.

- Adidas is making shoes from recycled Ocean plastic. In 2017 it sold over 1 Million pairs of these shoes. It takes 11 plastic bottle to make each pairs of shoes.

- Never sit on your wallet! Sitting on it your Wallet will create bad posture for spine.

- Army full form is " Alert Regular Mobility Young "

- The name of worlds continents, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Asia, America, and Europe, begins and ends with same letter.

- 10% of world population writes with their left hands

- There are more than 60 different species of eagle but only 2 live in north america
- Water bottle expiration dates are for the bottle not the water.
- NASCAR drivers lose up to 10 pounds in sweat due to high temperatures during races.
- The worlds largest pyramid isn't in Egypt, The Great Pyramid of Cholula located in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico is the largest Pyramid.
- A bolt of lightning contains enough energy to toast 100,000 slices
- Gangnam style was so popular, it broke YouTubes View counter which had to be upgraded.
- The word " Tragedy " comes from an Ancient Greek word meaning " Goat Song "
- Between North/South Korea lies miles of no mans land where hundreds of rare animals species thrive.
- The cracking sound your joint make is the sound of gases being released.
- Astronaut Alan Shepard hit two golf balls on the moons surface.
- Crocodiles are one of the oldest living survived for more than 200 million years.
- The punctuation mark ' ?! ' is called an " Interrobang "
- At any given moment, there are approximately 2000 Thunderstorms happening on Earth.
- A canadian women who lost her wedding ring while gardening found it 13 years later growing on a carrot.
- An australian man tried to sell New Zealand on eBay bit was stopped once the bid reached $3000
- The average person will spend six months of their life waiting for red lights to turn green.
- YouTube users watch 6 Billion hours of video per month and 4 Billion video everyday.
- During your lifetime, you will spend around 38 days brushing your teeths.
- Some Dolphins are so smart at they're used in the military.
- Elephants make friends, bury their dead, travel for funerals, speak to each other and show extreme intelligence.
- The Wood Frog from alaska can hold it's pee for up to eight months.
- Koala fingerprints are indistinguishable from Human fingerprints
- Every year the Netherlands sends canada 20,000 tulip bulbs as way of thanking Canada for thSir role in liberating Axis from netherlands
- If you fell into a volcano, you'd float on the lava instead of melting.
- Japan is facing a ninja shortage. Thee is a high demand for ninja shows, bit it is a dying tradition and companies have trouble time in finding properly trained ninja
- There is an uninhabited island in the Bahamas known as Pig Beach, which is populated entirely by swimming pigs.
- The word "emoji" comes from the japanese words 'e' and 'moji' which means 'picture' and 'character'
- Although Australia is home to the largest number of the venomous snakes in the world, it averages only one fatal snakkes bite per year.
- In 2002 alone,more people in the USA were killed by dogs than by sharks attack in the past 100 years.
During WWII, The British Navy destroyed French vessels after france fell to germany
- In 2013. Toy story was remade shot-to-shot with real toys and real people and can be found on YouTude.
- Despite only being 3% of your body weight, the Brain consumes about 20% of your calorie intake.