Out of the world facts

To broaden your knowledge about  the world we live in, Ensider has put together a list of amazing  facts you probably  didn't  know. Be sure to remember atleast one of these facts of life,as they come handy someday.

1.Henry  Fischel- American  was  the  first  person  who  introduced  Exams.

2.When  Dinosaurs  were  Alive  there  were  370 days  a  year.

3.The  Sun  is  actually  White  in  colour, it  just  appears  Yellow  to  us  through  Earths  Atmosphere.

4.Iceland  is  only  country  in  the  world  with  No  Mosquitoes.

5.French fries  were  not  created  by  french.

6.Meet  Quokkas  " The  Happiest " animal  in  the  world.

7.The  Probability  of  you  being  born  was  1 in 400 trillion.

8.It  is  possible  for  a  Women  to  get  pregnant  while  she  is  already  pregnant.

9.Dinosaurs  Existed  before  Saturn  had  wings.

10.There  are  exactly  46,783,665,034,756,288,456,012,645 , move  possibilities  in  a  Game  of  Chess.

11.The  reason  why  Turtle  cannot  come  out  of  its  shell.

12.Banana  is  a  Happy  Fruit. Eating  just  one  can  help  relieve  Irritation, Emotion, Anger, or Depression.

13.There  is  approximately  $36.8  trillion  worth  of  physical   money  around  the  world.

14. 99%  of  world  money  is  with  1%  of  the  worlds  population.

15.An  iphone contains  75  elements  of  periodic table.

16.The  Gulf  Of  Alaska  where  two  ocean  meet  but  doesn't  mix.

17.One  Iceberg  could  supply  a  million  people  with  drinking  water  for  five years.

18.There  are  20  Million  Tons  of  untouchable  Gold  in  the  Ocean.

19.The  largest  Tree  in  the  world  is  a  giant sequoia  in  California  sequoia  national  park.

20.North Korea  and  Cuba  are  the  only  places  you  can't  buy  Coca-Cola.

21.Four  Babies  are  born  every  second.

22.More  than  52%  of  world  population  is  umder  30  year old.

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