Change the way of your Living by Reading this Quotes

We Often Go Through Bad Times in Our Life, Where Everyone Else  Is Happy And We Feel That We Are The One That Is Felt Behind. 

But We  Collected  Some awesome  Quotes, to Cheer Your Yourself With The Below Quotes:-

38.Today is yesterday's Tomorrow and Tomorrow's yesterday is Today. There is no wrong Time to do Right things.

37.The Pain You Feel Today 

Will Be Your Strength You Feel Tomorrow.

36.A Wise Man Never Know Everything,

Only Fools Know Everything.

35.When Rains Comes Birds Find Shelter to Hide, But EAGLE  Fly About The Cloud

 Problems Are Common ATTITUDE Makes The Difference.

34.When There Is No Enemy Within;

 Enemy That Are Outside cannot Hurt You.

33.However Long The Night Is;

 The DAWN Will Break.

32.If You Want Go Quickly Go Alone;

 If You Want To Go Far Go Together.

31.Because When We Focused On Snake;

 We Missed The Scorpion.

30.Only  a Fool Test The Depth Of The Water 

With Both The Feet.

29.Don't Be The Same Be BETTER.

28.No One Is Born Great.

 Great People Become Great When Other Are Sleeping.

27.The Axe Forget What Tree Remember.

26.Smooth Seas do Not  Make Skillful Sailors.

25.Don"t Think That There Is no Crocodile 

Just Because Water Is Calm.

24.If You Are Not The Part Of The Solution

 You Are The Part Of The Problem.

23.If You Think You Are Too Small To Make Difference, 

You Haven't Spent A Night With A Mosquito.

22.A Man's Show His Character

 By What He Laughs At.

21.You Are Beautiful But Learn To Work;

 For You Cannot Eat Your Beauty.

20.When You Educate A Man You Educate An Individual, 

 But When You Educate A Women You Educate A Generation.

19.Don't Stand In Place Of DANGER  Trusting An Miracle.

18.A Lies Has Many Variation But Truth  None.

17.A Fool Has To Say Something;

 A Wise Man has Something To Say.

16.Don't Rest After Your first Success Because

 If You Fail In Second Then More Lips Are Waiting To Say That First  One Was 

Just Your LUCK.

15.If You Wish To Move MOUNTAIN Tomorrow, 

You Should Start Lifting Stones Today.

14.Life Is 10% What Happens To You And 

90% How You React On It.

13.The Best Preparation For Tomorrow Is Doing Your Best Today.

12.Good, Better, Best. Never Be At  Rest. 

Till Your Good Is Better And Better Is Best.

11.Try To Be A Rainbow In Some Else Cloud.

10.If You Cannot Do Great Things Do Small Things In  Great Way.

9.When You Go In Search Of  Honey You Must Except  Stung By The BEES

8.Sometimes Later Becomes Never. DO IT NOW.

7.Success Doesn't Just Come And Find You. 

You Have To Get Out And Get It. 

6.TOMORROW  is  too  late

 YESTERDAY  is over 


Now Is Exactly The Right Moment To


Also Read : 33 Joker Quotes That Will Drive You Crazy

5.SUCCESS  All  Depends  Upon

 The Second Word.

4.A Fool And The Water Goes The Way They Are Diverted.

3.Don't Let The Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today.

2. A group of Sheeps led by Lion can


A group of LIONS led by SHEEP.

1.When you and a Fool Have an Argument 


Thank You Very  Much  To Read  Our  Post. Don't  Forget  To Share  It Among Your  Friend's  and  Comment Us  Which  one Is Your Favorite  Quotes.

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